There's something about the numerological specter of 11-11-11 that seems to inspire a certain feeling of saturnalia, subversion, or just that fleeting-moment feeling of living through a day-long solar eclipse. The day conjures a certain mythic frame of mind, enough so that the Egyptian Pyramids were closed today on rumors of planned 11-11-11 rituals.
Our Contributing Editor Rachel Reynolds Luster heard NPR's piece on songs to turn up to 11 this morning and suggested that we offer an Art of Rural playlist as well. Our list is less inspired by Spinal Tap-esque moments, and more interested in music that might match the eleven winds sweeping across the land.
This is just a short list that was more-or-less spontaneously generated. At the very least, we hope these songs help ease folks into the weekend. Please share your 11-11-11 songs as well on our Facebook page. [We will post additions there.]
Monday we will publish a review of the stunning new record by Hiss Golden Messenger, Poor Moon. This is a record to put on today - in the midst of Egyptian rituals - to find solace and instruction: