Friday, May 11, 2012

Honey and Sustainability in Rural Nepal

Here is a new dispatch considering rural - international connections, where sustainability and food security meet, raising the quality of life and illustrating to rural youth how prosperity could be under their noses, or in the hive:

Plan International reports today on news of their work in Nepal:
Until recently, Shover Singh Praja often went to bed without dinner and had to work on an empty stomach, barely able to feed his family. Born to a poor family in Makwanpur district, central Nepal, Shover now earns way above the national average and has become a role model among his fellow Chepang, an indigenous ethnic group who depend on wild yams. The secret of Shover’s success? Bees.

For the last 2 years, Shover has looked after 55 hives and last year he netted US$1,000 selling honey, as well as hives to other keen beekeepers. Right away, the money was put to good use.

"I didn't get the opportunity to get an education when I was a child, but I send all my children to school now," he said.
Folks can continue reading here, as the article elaborates on how rural youth have found a path to success doesn't necessarily have to lead out of their home region:
Ramesh Praja, 28, cancelled his plans to go overseas.

“At home, living with my family, I can earn around US$120-300 during the honey production season and US$60-180 in the off season. When I realised this, I wondered why I should go abroad to earn a wage no more than the amount of money I can earn in my very own community," he said.